Monday, 2 September 2019

while working with electronic circuits, mainly for beginners there will be a lot of doubts regarding components and their symbols in the circuit diagram. like what component should we choose for the symbol and in which direction we should place it in the circuit? etc.

here are some basic symbols of the components.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Hi guys....
There is the new video.From thus video we can learn how to make water level indicator circuit with indicate the level of the water in the tank of your house.
This circuit is designed where it indicates the water level in three levels i.e low medium to high medium respectively.

video link :

Circuit :

In this circuit i used BC548( npn transisitor) and 1k ohms resistors. And also buzzer is used which warns when the water tank is filled completely.
the base terminal of the transistor is connected to 1k resistor and then by using connecting wires the other end of the resistor is placed in the water tank as the sensor wire.
when the water level rises and get contact with the sensor wire, the signel is amplified by the transistor and the LED glows which is connected to the collecter terminal of the transistor.

For the complete explaination and video click here
my youtube channel:

Saturday, 3 August 2019

here ,the new video out in youtube where we can learn how the electricity is produced in bikes .
we all know that in any bike electricity is produced and stored in a battery, but many of them are not aware about how and where that electricity is produced.
here in this video we can practically view the internal parts of the bike engine related to the electricity producing parts and you can learn the mechanism how electricity is produced.

There is a part called magnet and its directly connected to the crankshaft of the engine,as engine starts running, the magnet too starts  rotating whose RPM is equal to the engine RPM.
there also some copper coils  which are connected to the outer case of the engine and remains in rest position and these coils are placed closer to the magnet wheel.
as we all know that, when there is a relative motion between magnetic field and the copper coils, the Electromotive force (EMF) is produced in the copper coils .
in the same way, when the bike engine gets started the magnetic wheel also starts rotating and the copper coils which are connected to the outer case of the engine which are at rest.
so , due to the relative motion between the magnetic wheel and copper coils EMF is developed and electric current is produced in the bikes.
based on the bike's model, battery size and current consumption levels , the size the copper coils and magnet may differ but the principle of producing electricity is unique.

video link:

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Hi guys...
Here is the new project named “Android Car” 
This car can be controlled by any android phone. Data communication between car (micro-controller) and mobile phone is done through Bluetooth communication.
This car is designed by using Arduino UNO , micro-controller board. The Arduino acts as the brain of the car , as it process the input data received from Bluetooth data receiving module(HC05) and co-ordinate the motor controlles through Motor driver circuit(L293D).
Bluetooth Data Receiving Module(HC05) :
This module connects to mobile phone’s Bluetooth and transmits data given by the car controller application to the Arduino.
Motor Driver Circuit(L293D) :
This circuit controlles the motors used in the car. Motor Driver Circuit receives the signals given by arduino, amplifies the signal and co-ordinates the motor mobility according to the commands given by the controller.

Youtube video Link :

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Hi guys,
Here is my youtube channel introduction video, where you can gain practical knowledge about Mechanics and Electronics to make projects on your own that deals with electronic sensors and Home automations. while comming to Mechanics you can learn about some Gadgets and Machines how they work and their mechanism that we use in our daily life. In addition to these we perform some science experiments that makes easier and interesting while learning science.

Here is the introduction link.

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