Saturday, 3 August 2019

How Electric Current is produced in bikes

here ,the new video out in youtube where we can learn how the electricity is produced in bikes .
we all know that in any bike electricity is produced and stored in a battery, but many of them are not aware about how and where that electricity is produced.
here in this video we can practically view the internal parts of the bike engine related to the electricity producing parts and you can learn the mechanism how electricity is produced.

There is a part called magnet and its directly connected to the crankshaft of the engine,as engine starts running, the magnet too starts  rotating whose RPM is equal to the engine RPM.
there also some copper coils  which are connected to the outer case of the engine and remains in rest position and these coils are placed closer to the magnet wheel.
as we all know that, when there is a relative motion between magnetic field and the copper coils, the Electromotive force (EMF) is produced in the copper coils .
in the same way, when the bike engine gets started the magnetic wheel also starts rotating and the copper coils which are connected to the outer case of the engine which are at rest.
so , due to the relative motion between the magnetic wheel and copper coils EMF is developed and electric current is produced in the bikes.
based on the bike's model, battery size and current consumption levels , the size the copper coils and magnet may differ but the principle of producing electricity is unique.

video link:

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