Saturday, 27 July 2019

Android car

Hi guys...
Here is the new project named “Android Car” 
This car can be controlled by any android phone. Data communication between car (micro-controller) and mobile phone is done through Bluetooth communication.
This car is designed by using Arduino UNO , micro-controller board. The Arduino acts as the brain of the car , as it process the input data received from Bluetooth data receiving module(HC05) and co-ordinate the motor controlles through Motor driver circuit(L293D).
Bluetooth Data Receiving Module(HC05) :
This module connects to mobile phone’s Bluetooth and transmits data given by the car controller application to the Arduino.
Motor Driver Circuit(L293D) :
This circuit controlles the motors used in the car. Motor Driver Circuit receives the signals given by arduino, amplifies the signal and co-ordinates the motor mobility according to the commands given by the controller.

Youtube video Link :

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